Ziegler Family

Above is Lucas singing his heart out at his fall honor choir concert. Upper right is Lucas as a shepard in the church Christmas program. Bottom right is  Amber reading the intro to the next song they were about to sing at her fall choir concert. There was a lot  of M&M's to bribe the little ones to stay quiet during them, but well worth it. My big babies love to sing, and are so good at it! 

We celebrated Lucas's 10th birthday with a little cake and a lot of Star Wars! The Lightsaber cake was yummy! Yes, the force was with us!

It's a National Holiday! Oh, no just Kristi's Birthday.  

I just want to say thank you to all of my family and friends for making my birthday something special. All of the facebook messages, emails, phone calls, cards, etc... truly made me realize how blessed I really am! thank you all so very much!

Line dancing's not so hard... 

You can never have too much Jumpy class! The boys love it!

 Benefits of jumpy class:

-Exercise for all

-Socializing for all

-Making great friends

We joined in on a few Christmas Festivities and spent time with some great people! 

We made a stop at the New Song Church Office during the Mason Square Christmas Walk.

Here's a candid of some of Brian's work peeps TCOT Christmas party.

Enjoyed Christmas with our friends and all our spawn. The herd keeps going every year! 

I took one pic at the Dreveny christmas party, then forgot I had my camera

Brian REALLY enjoying his beer at the company Christmas party! 

 Some just didn't want to wake up Christmas morning...

King was all about checking in his stocking. No one will ever know what Santa left. We never got to see before it was all inhaled. Crazy Dog! 

 Of course the kids like opening their presents!

 Christmas with family is always a blessing!

Ringing in the new year with our usual Friday activities... 

 Thanks for visiting our website! You better come back again sometime.  Gavin says, "You've been warned!"

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